Monday, March 17, 2014

been years~~

     It's has been 6 years that i'm a vegetarian. Every time when people asked do I actually miss eating meat, I hesitated and answered "No". Well, I can only answer No not because i'm not attracted by meat but rather if I answered Yes, I will feel extremely guilty. Somehow by saying No actually keep me resist from eating meat as well.

     However, after so long of being a vegetarian, I did not actually lost weight but rather keep gaining weight. Last week, I consulted a Chinese sensei. On the first second I sat in front of her, she started to point out most of my sickness without me telling her how I feel. She suggested me to drink beef soup so I can have enough iron in my body as I have Anaemia. But my problem is I'm a vegetarian. The moment she heard I said the word vegetarian, she started to scold me why I did not take good care of my body. She warns me if I keep continue with this diet, I will have many illness coming soon.

     After a day, I started to think and would like to give it a try on meat just to see any changes on my health. Therefore, I went to McD and ordered a box of nuggets. I don't know why I couldn't taste anything on it. The nuggets were tasteless for me. Is my taste bud still okay?

     How if my taste bud is just tired of being tasting meat? Just like now human sometimes tired of their job. Could we actually just escape from it? Could the body cell just go apoptosis because it is tired of working? sometimes we are just used to hide ourselves from problems, we do not want to face it, we tell our brain that we are totally fine. The brain will then signal our nerve and release hormone to the body to calm ourselves down. Is this a process of self-cheating? I would said yes, once a human constantly treat own self that way, It will affect the body system tremendously, the hormone imbalance will show on the face when the pimples pop up usually. However, to the most serious part, a person may burst into depression.

     Everyone usually likes to say, just release it out, tell somebody your problem, go for easy meh.....I still think talk to myself is better, even though it may sound creepy, but I  think this is the not bad thing to do. Today I learned the topic "how to increase self-esteem" in Interpersonal communication class, the first thing is we must attack the self-destructive belief, we must start to believe in ourselves that we are actually good, responsible of our own, we have to believe that we are special. The main key is to be positive. Let just try.


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